Our Vision and Core Values
Our Vision
Unrelenting passion for improvement of all
All staff are committed to the emotional wellbeing and best outcomes for resilient learners. We understand the uniqueness of all and are determined to provide exciting opportunities to engage and enthuse children, preparing them for a technological future without limits.
Our Core Values
The cornerstone of all of our work is our guiding ethos "Learning together through truth, opportunity and celebration".
TRUTH: Being truthful with oneself and others
OPPORTUNITY: Learn and flourish through the exciting creative curriculum and wider opportunities
CELEBRATION: Rejoice in the achievements of oneself and others.
British Values Intertwined with our School Vision and Values
Each week at Westmoor begins with the Head Teacher welcoming the KS1&2 children in an assembly using Picture News, allowing opportunities for children to learn about our world, develop independence, resilience, respect and unlock their own drive and passion for learning.
Teaching the news not only provides great content and stimulus and grips children’s attention, it is also something that the children can impact. It is current, happening now and so their voice is given meaning and purpose. The children learn the truth about what is happening in our world and that we all matter.
We believe in giving children a voice and encouraging them to use it to impact things they are inspired by or feel passionately about. We enjoy celebrating positive news stories from across the world and within our own community, but don’t shy away from discussing difficult world issues.
Through our PSHCE curriculum, children learn about the importance of the democratic process, the importance for people to have their say and be listened to and the importance of voting and accepting a democratic decision. Children understand that in most countries that is how the Government works, and in Law Courts there is a similar process. We highlight the necessity of truth as part of this process and celebrate the opportunity to live in our democratic society.
At the beginning of each year, our School Council is elected democratically by a voting process. The School Council meet regularly and make decisions on issues, such as which equipment to buy for OPAL (Outdoor Play And Learning), through consultation with their class members.
Rule of law
At Westmoor Primary, we are very conscious that an important part of our work is to create productive members of a future society. To this end, it is really important that children learn about how society operates and the importance of being able to live in a way that does not negatively affect others.
At the beginning of each year all classes discuss and decide on their own set of Golden Rules. Each child and the class teacher sign up to these agreed rules, which are displayed in the classroom. Behaviour expectations are clearly communicated through Head Teacher assemblies and good behaviour is celebrated through ‘Caught Being Good’ cards given out by staff. Children earn the opportunity to attend ‘Top Table’ on a Friday lunchtime, where they enjoy having lunch together along with members of staff.
We have adopted a restorative justice approach to incidents of behaviour resulting from making poor choices. Children are mindful of one of our core values of truth when discussing what took place, resulting in an appropriate, agreed upon outcome.
Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance
All children participate in PSHCE lessons to understand equality and human rights, respect and dignity, rights, choices, consent and individuality as well as having values and principles.
Children need to learn how to show respect for others and understand that difference is not only acceptable, but welcome. Children know that everyone is welcome in our school.
The RE curriculum ensures that children learn about different religions, faiths and beliefs and the need for tolerance and respect of these different choices that individuals make. Westmoor Primary promote the right for all to be who they want to be and assemblies and lessons are delivered around LGBTQ+, Different Family Same Love and Child-on-Child Abuse.
Character Education is deepened through the delivery of Commando Joe’s, participation in sporting competitions, dance and skipping festivals and Sports Day. All of these contribute to the personal development of the children by learning to respect opponents, whilst having the opportunity to compete and celebrate achievements.
Every Friday, a Celebration Assembly allows a variety of achievements to be recognised, including reading, good work, attitude and effort and the children’s individual interests and achievements outside school. This educates the children about each other - their different backgrounds, hobbies, cultures and traditions.
Cultural Influences – What makes us Westmoor Primary School?
Westmoor Primary have the privilege of being surrounded by a community which offers a wealth of opportunities
for our children to learn across the curriculum. We are proud to wear our school badge, linked to the historic
importance of George Stephenson.
We have introduced a Westmoor Enrichment Week, in which we focus all of the children’s learning on the local community and discover new opportunities to make purposeful and on-going links with our surroundings and strengthen our unique identity and curriculum.
Throughout the year, children regularly visit the Lake beside our school building, which provides opportunities in art, science, geography, history and many more subjects. We incorporate the history of mining in the area, the wagon ways and are lucky to have George Stephenson’s Dial Cottage on our doorstep.We also visit The Rising Sun Country Park as an extension to our outdoor woodland garden area to widen learning opportunities.
We have always had strong links with the local clergy, who take regular assemblies and lead the Christingle celebrations every year in school. They also welcome us into their places of worship.Each year, on Remembrance Day, a number of children and staff attend a service at the White Swan Centre alongside local war veterans. Westmoor Primary have particular links with this service, paying respects to previous pupils for whom a memorial stands in the school hall.
In direct response to the needs of our school and wider community, Westmoor established a food bank during the pandemic. This was shared on the regional news programme, Look North, in order to spread support further afield. A regional charity that we raise funds for annually is St Oswald’s Hospice and we took up the opportunity to take part in the Elmer project, with Wild at Art, to raise further funds with other North East schools. We continue to support our community with food bank donations.
Many of our children, and some staff, are part of families who have lived in the community for many years. We have generations of families that have attended Westmoor and have always valued the close ties this creates. We have traditionally hosted a Grandparents Singalong each year to celebrate the regional music and songs of Newcastle, such as the Blaydon Races. We also invite grandparents to come in and share a book in school with their grandchildren. A number of family members also come into school to read with children as volunteers.
There is a passionate culture of football in Newcastle, and we are lucky to have links with Newcastle United Foundation, who have delivered coaching at our school.
Cultural and Sporting Opportunities
There is a wide range of opportunities for our children to benefit from. The personal development of the children is key in guiding them towards being ready for their next stage of education and life.
These are some of the opportunities that are available and which the children are encouraged to take part in.
Visits to Robinwood Activity Centre.
Sporting competitions, including athletics in local venues such as Gateshead Stadium and the Cremona Shield for girls and boys at Westmoor Community Centre.
Lego League for KS1 and KS2.
Our choir enjoy performing in local venues such as Whitley Bay Playhouse and singing in the local community, for example at Christmas and in a local care home.
All classes go on summer trips to a local place of interest.
Orienteering for the older children in surroundings such as Druridge Bay Country Park.
Year 6 children go on a trip to our capital city of London, experiencing site seeing, musical shows, museums and the cultural diversity around them.
Children enjoy the opportunity and understand the importance of contributing to the running of our school by taking part in fund raising activities. Every year we hold a Muddy Fun Run on the school field.
We offer opportunities for local businesses to be part of our summer and Christmas fairs, which our families always support.
Our book weeks offer the children the chance to immerse themselves in literature, be creative and also deepen their love of reading through the books on offer at the book fairs.