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Outdoor Play And Learning (OPAL)

Westmoor Primary School recognises the importance of the need for high quality play, regardless of children's needs and abilities. Inclusive play is achieved by offering carefully considered outdoor spaces with a real choice of accessible play opportunities. Research has shown that children spend 20% or 1.4 years of their primary attendance in play. Here at Westmoor we are lucky to have such fantastic areas for our children to play in, and since December 2018, we have become an Opal Play and Learning School.
What we have created
Children now have the freedom to play where they like, mixing with others from different year groups. Our children are excited for playtimes and love the new outdoor opportunities that OPAL offers, no matter what the weather! From playing in the digging area to creating a gourmet lunch for 5 in the mud kitchen. Maybe a spot of table tennis, a chill out in the summer house or dressing up and performing on our stage. We have something for everyone to enjoy. We have children who are wonderful problem solvers, builders and engineers! They are becoming more resilient, creative and cooperative. Playtime incidents have reduced and the children come in settled ready to learn.
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