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Pupil Leaders

We believe it is important to develop leadership skills alongside teaching our children to become good citizens within our school community, as well as the wider community.

The qualities of leaders are those which we want to develop in our pupils, such as decision making, listening to and supporting others, good communication and taking part in positive change.

These roles help children learn about the importance of the democratic process, the importance for people to have their say and be listened to and the importance of voting and accepting a democratic decision.  Children understand that in most countries that is how the Government works. We highlight the necessity of truth as part of this process and celebrate the opportunity to live in our democratic society.

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There are a range of leadership opportunities available for children to participate in. The majority of these roles require pupils to apply and become elected by their peers in a democratic process.


School Council

Our School Councillors work in a team to listen to others, share ideas and agree on actions to make school the best it can be. They are role models for their peers and learn to speak confidently to groups of children, deliver assemblies, communicate clearly and help with specific days within school. They collect donations of money for events and food for the foodbank.

Meet our School Council…


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House Captains

Responsibilities include being a good role model for others through behaviour, attendance and hard work. Also, inspiring others to do their best for their house by earning house points, be confident speakers and to be involved in whole school assemblies.

Meet our House Captains for Alnwick, Warkworth, Bamburgh and Lindisfarne…






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Our Eco--Warriors care about the environment. They undertake environmental reviews of our school environment, attend meetings, make action plans, deliver assemblies and encourage others to join in with environmental events at school and in the local area. They are instrumental in achieving the Green Flag Award throughout 2022-23.

Meet our Eco-Warriors…



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Wellbeing Champions

Our Wellbeing Champions are caring and kind role models to others. They are good listeners and communicators and deliver assemblies to the rest of the school. They attend training within school to understand how to create a positive, safe and happy school and are integral in renewing our Wellbeing Award for Schools throughout 2022-23.

Meet our Wellbeing Champions…






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Sports Leaders

Sports leaders have the responsibility of running games and activities with a competitive element during OPAL playtimes.  They assist staff with organising playground equipment and help to order and maintain PE resources.  They assist the PE co-ordinator in organising whole school PE events e.g. sports day, muddy fun run.

Meet our Sports Leaders…




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Digital Leaders

The Digital Leaders are the first point of call in a classroom for anything to do with technology. They take care of the class iPads and they help their class if they are stuck with the Computing work. All Digital leaders get the chance to represent the school at Lego League competitions, where they learn how to code algorithms, debug and tinker with their designs. They also look at sustainability of technology and how to make suggestions to improve it. 

Meet our Digital Leaders…





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Reading Buddies

We have worked hard to build a strong reading culture here at Westmoor Primary School. The Year 6 Reading Buddies take great pride in encouraging and supporting our younger children with their reading. Once per week, the reading buddies listen to their partner read their reading book, talk about the story and then enjoy sharing a book from the library together. This is a fantastic opportunity for our younger readers to practise their skills, build confidence and develop a love of reading.

Meet our Reading Buddies…

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